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Are you unapproachable?

Are You Unapproachable as a Leader?

Building Approachability for Effective Leadership in the dynamic landscape of leadership, one crucial aspect often overlooked is approachability. As a leader, your accessibility and openness play a pivotal role in fostering a positive work environment, encouraging collaboration, and nurturing a strong team dynamic.

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 In this free training we'll explore the significance of approachability, its impact on leadership effectiveness, and practical strategies to enhance your approachability as a leader.

Understanding Approachability

Approachability is the quality that makes individuals (especially your dental team) feel comfortable and confident in approaching you for communication, feedback, or guidance. It creates a welcoming atmosphere where team members feel valued, heard, and motivated to contribute their ideas and concerns. Approachable leaders build trust, strengthen relationships, and promote a culture of openness and transparency within their teams.

The Impact of Approachability on Leadership

  1. Team Engagement: Approachable leaders foster higher levels of team engagement by creating an environment where everyone feels included and valued.

  2. Communication: Open lines of communication lead to clearer understanding, efficient problem-solving, and enhanced collaboration among team members.

  3. Feedback and Growth: An approachable leader encourages feedback, constructive criticism, and continuous learning, contributing to individual and team growth.

  4. Conflict Resolution: Approachability enables leaders to address conflicts proactively, resolve issues effectively, and maintain a positive team dynamic.

Signs of Being Unapproachable

  1. Closed Body Language: Crossed arms, tense posture, or avoiding eye contact can signal unapproachability.

  2. Limited Availability: Being constantly busy or inaccessible can make team members hesitant to approach you.

  3. Lack of Engagement: Disinterest in listening to team input or dismissing ideas without consideration can create barriers.

  4. Overemphasis on Authority: Relying heavily on authority rather than building rapport and trust can alienate team members.

Strategies for Enhancing Approachability

  1. Active Listening: Practice active listening by giving full attention, acknowledging feedback, and showing empathy.

  2. Open Door Policy: Maintain an open-door policy to encourage team members to approach you with questions, concerns, or ideas.

  3. Positive Body Language: Use open and welcoming body language, such as smiling, maintaining eye contact, and having an open posture.

  4. Regular Feedback Sessions: Schedule regular feedback sessions to gather input, provide guidance, and show appreciation for team contributions.

  5. Lead by Example: Demonstrate approachable behavior by being approachable yourself and encouraging open communication among team members.

Embracing Approachability for Effective Leadership

As a leader, your approachability sets the tone for the work environment and influences team dynamics significantly. By cultivating an approachable demeanor, actively engaging with your team, and fostering open communication, you can enhance trust, collaboration, and overall productivity within your organization. Remember, approachability is not just a trait but a key component of effective leadership that drives success and fosters a positive workplace culture.

Are you approachable as a leader? Take a moment to reflect on your communication style, interactions with team members, and opportunities to enhance your approachability for impactful leadership.

The "not requested" advice you must take into consideration as a leader...

If you ever catch yourself wondering about your approachability as a leader, see it as a badge of honor. It shows you’re dedicated to constantly evolving and improving, which is the hallmark of a truly great leader. After all, the most impactful leaders aren’t those who sit comfortably in their expertise but those who are always ready to challenge their own views and step into new growth—even when it's tough.

Let’s aim higher than simply being approachable. Let’s be transformative. By lifting every voice on our team, we create a space where everyone feels truly seen and valued—a place where their ideas are not only welcomed but eagerly anticipated. Imagine the power of a team where every member feels empowered to lead in their own unique way. That's the kind of leadership that doesn’t just manage people; it changes lives. And together, as we each grow and inspire, we don’t just build a better workplace; we build a brighter world.

If you’re on this journey and looking for more personalized guidance, I offer one-on-one mentoring to help you refine your leadership style, enhance your approachability, and truly transform your impact. Together, we can explore the nuances of effective leadership tailored specifically to your unique situation and goals. Let’s connect and take your leadership to the next level.

Sarah Beth Herman


To learn more about Sarah Beth Herman, the author of all free training content you can read her bio here. These materials are intended to provide helpful information to dentists and dental team members. They are in no way a substitute for actual professional advice based on your unique facts and circumstances. This content is not intended or offered, nor should it be taken, as legal or other professional advice. You should always consult with your own professional advisors (e.g. attorney, accountant, or insurance carrier). To the extent, Dentistry Support ®has included links to any third-party website (s), Dentistry Support ® intends no endorsement of their content and implies no affiliation with the organizations that provide their content. Further, Dentistry Support ® makes no representations or warranties about the information provided on those sites. You can view our privacy policy and terms and conditions by clicking those pages in the footer of our website.

70 views6 comments


We all need this! Thank you very much


Every post you share is a treat! Thank you DS.


It’s about creating an environment where everyone feels genuinely seen and valued, where their contributions are not only welcomed but eagerly anticipated. This kind of empowerment fosters a sense of ownership and innovation, allowing each team member to lead in their own unique way. Imagine the synergy and creativity that can be unleashed when every voice is lifted and every individual is empowered—together, we can achieve extraordinary things.


Absolutely! Approachability is indeed a cornerstone of effective leadership.


Yes, agree on this. Approachable leaders are also a great listener. They listen to their team members' ideas, concerns and feedback, and act on them.

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